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4 Bands, One Community

Our bands all meet weekly in term time. To keep membership affordable for all we split the cost of subscriptions through the year and ask for a £10 contribution per month with discounts for additional siblings.

Music making for young people is the most important thing for us so bursaries are available in cases of hardship, please contact our secretary, Amanda in confidence on


Conducted by Darren Humphreys

pBand is our newest group which was innovated by Darren during lock down, with its first rehearsals online!

pBand members play the pBuzz, a light plastic, simple instrument which is an effective first step in learning a brass instrument. These sessions are fun and interactive ensuring children aged 4-6 learn the first basics of playing, being part of a team, counting and listening to each other. Transition to a full instrument is then a great success.

Saturdays 9.30-10am

C Band

Conducted by Peter McDonough

C Band is the ideal friendly environment for older complete beginners (from Year 3 onwards), those moving from pBand or Key Stage 2 children who have had a few group lessons in school. In this group your own skill plus all the skills of playing together in different parts will be supportively developed. 

Saturdays 10-11am


B Band

Conducted by Jay Hall

This is our training band which builds on your individual skills and the ability to play together to more adventurous music in a full band setting. You will be supported by older players in the organisation to ensure you feel comfortable whilst taking this next step. There is always somebody to help you out with plenty of laughter.

Saturdays  9.15-10.30am

A Band

Conducted by Jay Hall

This is our senior youth band. Here you will play a full and varied repertoire of all kinds of music. You will be challenged and supported to develop to your full potential. Alongside full band rehearsals there are sectional days with high class visiting tutors. This band plays concerts, competitions, enjoys Christmas busking and goes on residential tours. The highlight of course is making friends for life (particularly over toast in the break!)

Saturdays 10.30am - 12.45pm


©2020 by St Helens Youth Brass Band. All photographs are used here with permission and should not be reproduced without agreement.

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